Cassies Curls Brugmansia Angel Trumpet

Availability: Out of Stock



Cassies Curls Brugmansia Angel Trumpet Overview

This is a hard to find Brugmansia. The golden-peach sweetly scented blooms will be 5 - 6'' long and this plant only grows to 3 feet tall. The curled petal tips wisp up and outward.
If you've never grown a Brugmansia, you are really missing out. These plants are fast growing and heavy feeders. But the best part is the bloom. In addition to the bloom is the scent that the bloom has in the evening hours. It's wonderful to sit out on the patio in the evenings and have such scent in the air.

If you live in zones 8 - 10, you can plant it directly in the ground. For those north of zone 8, use it as a patio specimen and bring it indoors for the winter. Or, you can plant it in the ground all season, then cut it back, dig it up and store it in a cool spot like a basement or garage. Just be sure that you don't put it where the roots can freeze. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me and include your zip code.

The leaves of this plant are toxic to humans and animals if ingested. In all the years I have been raising these plants, my animals have never shown any interest in them. I've also been told that these plants will keep deer away.

Cassies Curls Brugmansia Angel Trumpet Details

Live Plant

Limited Supply - Rare - Unusual

Shipped in soil along with planting instructions

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